Interface SVGElementStyleMethods<E extends SVGElement,B extends TypedBuilder<E,B>>

All Superinterfaces:
IsElement<E>, TypedBuilder<E,B>
All Known Implementing Classes:
SVGContainerBuilder, SVGElementBuilder

public interface SVGElementStyleMethods<E extends SVGElement,B extends TypedBuilder<E,B>> extends TypedBuilder<E,B>, IsElement<E>
Provides methods and default implementations for modifying the style of SVG elements.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default B
    style(String style)
    Appends the given style to the existing styles of this element.
    default B
    style(String style, boolean append)
    Appends or sets the given style to the styles of this element.
    default B
    style(String property, int value)
    Sets the given style on this element.
    default B
    style(String property, int value, boolean important)
    Sets the given style on this element.
    default B
    style(String property, String value)
    Sets the given style on this element.
    default B
    style(String property, String value, boolean important)
    Sets the given style on this element.

    Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.elemento.IsElement


    Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.elemento.TypedBuilder

  • Method Details

    • style

      default B style(String style)
      Appends the given style to the existing styles of this element.
    • style

      default B style(String style, boolean append)
      Appends or sets the given style to the styles of this element.
    • style

      default B style(String property, int value)
      Sets the given style on this element.
    • style

      default B style(String property, String value)
      Sets the given style on this element.
    • style

      default B style(String property, int value, boolean important)
      Sets the given style on this element.
    • style

      default B style(String property, String value, boolean important)
      Sets the given style on this element.