
This page lists the branches of HAL and describes their relation to the WildFly and EAP major versions. If you want to see a full list of all HAL releases and a detailed changelog, please go to the release notes.

The information on this page is important if you want to contribute to HAL. Especially if you like to backport an issue or want to submit a PR for maintenance.

mainMain branch used for development since version 3.5.x
masterBranch used for releases prior to version 3.5.x according to git-flow
developBranch used for development prior to version 3.5.x according to git-flow
gh-pagesBranch used to host the latest HAL release
3.6.xBranch used for WildFly 27.x - 31.x and EAP 8.0.x
3.3.xBranch used for WildFly 23.x - 26.x and EAP 7.4.x
3.2.xBranch used for WildDly 17.x - 22.x and EAP 7.3.x
3.1.xBranch used for WildDly 16.x and EAP 7.2.x
3.0.xBranch used for WildFly 13.x - 15.x and EAP 7.2.x